Thursday, August 15, 2024

MidMonth Mirth Memo, August 2024

"Prepare for mirth,

for mirth becomes a feast."

-William Shakespeare


The Mid-Month Mirth Memo is a short amusing tidbit to brighten middle of the month monotony. It is brought to you by best-selling author, award-winning speaker, 

"Jollytologist" ® Allen Klein 

More Sizzling Summer Fun

Sign of the Month:

Poem of the Month:

Thou snails are exceedingly slow,

There's one thing I'd like to know,

If I outrun 'em 'round the yard,

How come they beat me to the chard?

       -Allen Klein, (c) 2024

Poster of the Month:
Advice of the Month:
If you see a road sign that says "Survey Crew Ahead," they are not interested in you opinion.

I know that now.

Warning of the Month:
Pun of the Month:

I have a friend who writes music about sewing machines.

He's a singer songwriter.
Or sew it seams. 


Article of the Month:
"Four Funny Ways Laughter is Good for You"


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Unappreciated Book of the Month:  

People often ask me what is my favorite book that I've written. Like most parents, who are thrilled with the birth of a first child, I would have to say my first book, The Healing Powerof Humor, because of the thrill of getting a book published
and the awesome response to it.

But there is another of my books which I feel should have received as warm a welcome but did not. That book contained just as much joy, humor and wisdom as the first and, as shown by the comments below, it resonated as much with readers. It therefore deserves a closer look.

That book,

Secrets Kids Know...that adult oughta learn
is, luckily, still in print.

Best New Book of 2017, Assn. for Applied and Therapeutic Humor

"How wonderful to be able to learn and laugh at the same time
from this must-read book."

Dianne. M.

"You’ll want to carry this book with you wherever you go, to consult whenever
you need a smile...."  

-Dorothy W.
"Best read ever!'s a must read." 
-Humor Rx


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