Sunday, March 6, 2011

7 Habits of Less-Stressed People

Several years ago, I interviewed a number of people who make their living in the humor field. After the interviews, I noticed some common traits that most of them used to stay stress free and to get more laughter in their life. Those habits included: 

1- Being Committed: They were determined to get more laughter in their life.
2- Making the Right Choice: They knew they have a choice: They can be miserable or mirthful. 
3- Staying in Control: They recognized that nobody or nothing can ruin their day.
4- Reframing Experience: They turn adverse situations around by finding something funny in them.
5- Looking for the Light Side: They were always on the lookout for the lighter side of a situation.
6- Laughing at Themselves:  They found it easy to laugh at themselves. 
7- Laughing Even When It’s Hard: They laughed even when finding something to laugh about was elusive.

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