Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Learning to Laugh When You Feel Like Crying

Today is a momentous occasion. My 17th book, Learning to Laugh When You Feel Like Crying,  has been published by Goodman Beck Publishers. I am very grateful to be with them. They have not only done a great job of producing a great looking book but they are also wonderful people to work with.

In the posts to follow, I will be sharing some of the contents of the book with you. The hard part is choosing what to share. Since I'm a Broadway musical fan, I'm going to take some advice from one of the songs in The Sound of Music and "start at the very beginning, a very good place to start..."

So, here, from Learning to Laugh When You Feel Like Crying, is part of the introduction to the book.

"I always try to balance the light with the heavy; 
a few tears of spirit, in with the sequins and the fringes."
-Bette Midler, American entertainer

                                                        dear reader

While this book comes out of the lessons I’ve learned about loss from the death of my wife, the thoughts within address all kinds of loss. The feelings that often accompany the loss of a loved one also applies to such things as losing a pet, getting a divorce, being let go from a job, or any other major setback in your life. Any loss can be overwhelming. The aim of this book is to help you realize that loss is part of life, that it can be one of our greatest teachers, and that, in spite of your loss, you can once again fully partake in what life has to offer

When my wife died at the age of thirty-four, I didn’t need a book that tried to explain the complexities of grief. I didn’t need a book that spoke to my head. I needed a book that would offer a few comforting words and speak to my heart. It is what I hope this book will do for you.

With simple words and simple, yet profound, ideas, I hope that it will provide comforting heartfelt thoughts and a lighter tone not found in other books on loss.

I also hope that it will show you that there can be a positive side to loss and help you understand that, although your loss is a life-changing experience, it need not necessarily be a negative one. And because of life’s brevity, that a loss can be a powerful wake-up call to celebrate life.

Please note that I am not advocating avoiding the grief caused by loss or rushing through it. Unexpressed grief can come back again with a stronger force. It is important to fully deal with the grieving process after a loss.
However, my intention in writing this book is to help you go beyond your loss to embracing life fully again, and, yes, even laughing again. And, to help you go from merely surviving to thriving. Also, I hope that it will uplift your spirit, touch your heart, and nourish your soul.

(P.S.- If you enjoy reading the blog, please tell your friends to follow it for many more excerpts from the book. They can sign up at: http://allenklein.blogspot.com/)



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